Mission & Values
Selly Park Secondary School is a Catholic Independent School for girls and boys which exists primarily to assist parents in giving their children a sound Christian education based on the Catholic ethos. This should lead them to happy, fulfilled lives and help them to promote the common good of society and attain their eternal destiny.
The School aims:
To promote an environment where all will experience Christian community living, feel personally valued and be helped to develop and celebrate a personal commitment to Christ.
To provide a broad, balanced, relevant and coherent curriculum enabling each learner to discover and develop her/his full potential in the academic, sporting, aesthetic, spiritual and vocational dimensions.
Develop in learners a reverence and responsibility for themselves, others and their environment, together with a deep appreciation for, and tolerance of diversity in our multicultural society.
To enable learners to face the future with confidence in their personal qualities and achievements, be able to respond positively to the changing needs of society and able to adapt with ease and courage to the demands of family life, their faith community, the world of work and further education.
The School Motto is “OMNIBUS OMNIA”, which means “All things to all people”
Vision Statement:
“In Faith, hope and love, we strive for excellence”.