Current Status

Selly Park is registered with the Department of Education and is an accreditation candidate with UMALUSI (the body appointed by the government to maintain quality assurance in education). Selly Park is registered with the Independent Examinations Board (IEB) and we enter our grade 9 and 12 learners for the IEB external examinations.

Although Selly Park is a relatively new school, it has established itself as a school of excellence with its outstanding academic, cultural and sporting achievements.

The school is proud of its matric pass rate and our high percentage of university exemptions and distinctions.  We are confident that the academic training our learners receive prepares them to become successful adults.

Sr. Fiona Vallance and Sr. Christine Hayes, Sisters of St Paul,  the owner representatives on the Board of Management, which oversees the School Management Board. Fr. V. Brennan is the Chairperson of the School Management Board.  This Board is made up of owner, parent, educator and community representatives.

Mrs. Heidi Lowe was appointed Principal of Selly Park Secondary School in January 2010.  The School Management Team is headed by Mrs. Lowe and consists of the Deputy Principal, four Heads of Department and two Phase Heads.

On the Cultural and sporting fronts, the school has also had amazing achievements, once again the result of highly qualified coaches and teachers. Many of our learners have represented both the North West and South Africa in the different sporting codes.  We have also had learners competing on an international level.

There are various leadership development programs run at the school. Learners in grade 9,10 and 11 are selected to join the PFT, a programme that focuses on leadership development. We also run the President’s Award scheme.  The school is also actively involved in community projects through the Interact club.

All prospective parents are invited to visit the school by appointment. A detailed Policy for Admission of Learners as well as information on current school fees is available upon request.

Quotation from the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference Pastoral Directive, addressed to those involved in Catholic schools:
“Catholic education is not just about the education of Catholics. Even in the early days, many of our schools welcomed children who were not Catholic. Today we see this openness as an expression of the Church’s desire to be “a community serving humanity”. Our starting point is simply our conviction about how vital every child’s education is, and our confidence that a value-based education is life-giving for any child.”